I got a speeding ticket! It came in the mail yesterday. In Europe, speed traps are machines that clock your speed and snap a picture of your car if it's over the limit. It is also supposed to flash a strobe light at you, so you know you've been nailed. I don't remember any flash... Apparently, I was speeding in the Netherlands on October 1st, 2001. I guess it took 5 months to track down a rental car that I don't have anymore. Ann, our landlady, said that the Dutch are real sticklers for speeding. I was going 86KmH in an 80KmH zone - translation: I was going 54 miles an hour when the limit was 50mph. I would call that 'picky'. The ticket will cost me about $25. It kind of makes me wonder what else will show up in the mail over the next couple of months.... Speaking of bureaucracy, Graham just received an 'urgent' notice to report to the immigration office and produce "Proof of Good Behavior and Morals." It is so much fun to take these official looking letters and go through them with a Dutch/English dictionary. Even when I figure out what they say, I don't know what they want! I don't take this stuff too seriously, because we're only here a couple more months. Lynn